Thursday, October 6, 2011

Following Friday (7)

Q.If you could pick one character in a book, movie or television show to swap places with, who would it be?


Good question! Do I have to pick just one? Too bad, I refuse...


1) The first one that came to mind was London from Scoundrel by Zoe Archer (which is the second book in her very awesome Blades of the Rose quartet). The reason is that she has an adventurous, interesting life and a really sexy husband.

2) Clair from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon for similar reasons, but also because I she got to travel in time a bit. And time travel, even the accidental kind, is just plain cool.

3) Jax from Ann Aquirre's Sirantha Jax series, because she gets to travel through space using weird science and psychic powers. Very cool.


Those were the ones that immediately came to mind for me. There are a lot of characters who I love but would NOT want to live as. Pretty much anyone in a dystopian novel, for example.


  1. Fairytale Nerd, Thanks for following! I'm trying to follow you back but the computer refuses to load your website! Will try again later!

  2. THanks for stopping by my blog ! ( )

    Following back !

  3. Thanks for following my blog!

    I haven't heard of any of these characters but they all sound really cool!

    Have a good weekend!

  4. Thanks for following my blog.

    I haven't heard of these characters . . . but they sound like great choices.

    New follower.

  5. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog, commenting and following!! Cool answers!!! Now following!!

  6. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I haven't heard of these characters but they sound great :)

    My FF,

    Have a nice weekend, Sharon

  7. Hopping through. I really want to read the Outlander series. I've heard such good things.
    My Hop

  8. I haven't heard of any of these characters, but they all sound interesting! Hopping by to return the favor. :) New follower!

    --Rachel B.

  9. I can't believe I haven heard of any of these characters before, but if you would want to switch places with them, they must be really awesome!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm an old follower for sure! :)

    Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  10. I wouldn't want to trade places with anyone in a dystopian society either.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog

    JJ iReads
    My TGIF

  11. Hi. Old follower hopping through. Nice creative choices.
    Stephanie @ Five Alarm Book Reviews

  12. Swap with anyone in a dystopian novel, er no thanks. Will have to check out the books you've mentioned as haven't read any of them. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

  13. I haven't heard of any of those. :(

    Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

  14. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! :) I'm following now - what a great meme, I've found so many goog bloggers this way. I haven't heard of any of those characters!

  15. I've not read the books with your characters, but they sound good. Have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by. New follower.

  16. I agree with you about the dystopian characters. I completely forgot about Outlander...Jamie Frasier...

  17. I've not read these, but I have intended to get to Outlander for ages. Might try sometime. Thanks for following me! :) I'm following you too now.

  18. Happy Friday!! Thank you so much for visiting and following!!! We are now following you as well!

    An interesting array of choices, I'm off to check some of them out! Love discovering new reads!

    Happy Writing,

  19. I havent read any of those series yet. They sound really good tho

    Old Follower. :)

    My FF- Book Briefs (5 giveaways going on right now, including a Kobo e-reader!)


  20. New follower here!

    So you're a fellow Supernatural fan?! Can we be Supernatural BFF's? ;) I am pretty much obsessed with that show. Seriously, it's the best. Have you ever been to a SPN Con.? They're so much fun.

    Great choices by the way!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  21. These are all new books for me. I'm been meaning to read Outlander forever.

  22. I've heard great things about the Outlander series...although I've never gotten around to reading it yet sadly!

  23. Claire would be a great choice! I can totally get behind that. Time travel and Jamie and the Highlands! It'd be an awesome time.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm following you as well. :D

  24. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I'm a new follower :)

  25. I'd pick Claire too, just because of Jamie! :)

  26. I don't know if I would want to be Jax, being a jumper sounds really rough! But I guess the rewards are pretty great. :)

    Goldilox and the Three Weres FF

    Goldilox (new follower!)

  27. Claire is a great choice :) I haven't read the whole series yet - but through the first half of Dragonfly, and already she's had so many amazing experiences!

  28. Hey Fairypenguin,
    Cute blog name. I''m ur newest follower. I can't wait to read more of your post. Have a great week!
    Stop by and say hi!
    See ya,
    Readaholics Anonymous

  29. Thanks for stopping by my FF and following me.

    new follower

  30. another blogger choice of Claire.
    here is my choice

  31. Great, you could think of so many characters in an instant. I've to resort to Harry Potter Series for most answers in FF.
    My Hop

  32. Love your choices! Thank you for stopping by Release Notes! New Follower!


Thoughtful comments are appreciated! I always respond to them, and I usually return the favor! Happy reading!

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